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French Body Hair Hashtag #LesPrincessesOntDesPoils Is Going Viral for the Best Reason – TeenVogue.com #最新ニュース



French Body Hair Hashtag #LesPrincessesOntDesPoils Is Going Viral for the Best Reason – TeenVogue.com

French Body Hair Hashtag #LesPrincessesOntDesPoils Is Going Viral for the Best Reason
Body hair is totally normal, and is nothing to be ashamed of. Some people choose to wax it or shave it or otherwise get remove it, which is totally fine, while others choose to go the natural route and leave it on the body for all to see. However, the
French women are sharing pics of body hair – #lesprincessesontdespoilsMetro
Women Are Tweeting #LesPrincessesOntDesPoils in Defense of Their Body HairMic
This French Teen Sparked A HUGE Body-Hair DebateRefinery29
Mashable –TIME –Daily Star
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‘Princesses have hair’ – French women fight body hair stigma on Twitter – The Guardian

The Guardian
‘Princesses have hair’ – French women fight body hair stigma on Twitter
The Guardian
Adele Labo, 16, created the hashtag #LesPrincessesOntDesPoils after being mocked at school for not shaving. Sophia Loren displaying her armpit hair as she puts her hair up . Photograph: Alfred Eisenstaedt/Time Life Pictures/Getty Images. Agence France- …
‘Princesses have hair’: French women fight fuzz stigmaFree Malaysia Today

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#LesPrincessesOntDesPoils ou comment assumer sa pilosité – TV5MONDE Info

#LesPrincessesOntDesPoils ou comment assumer sa pilosité
Des adolescentes françaises ont décidé de garder leurs poils et de le revendiquer sur les réseaux sociaux avec le mot clé : #LesPrincessesOntDesPoils devenu rapidement viral le 12 juillet. Les médias internationaux s’en sont aussi emparés dans des …
#LesPrincessesOntDesPoils : oui, les filles ont des poils… et elles l’assument sur Twittermetronews
#LesPrincessesOntDesPoils: sur Twitter, les femmes assument leurs poilsL’Express
Les femmes montrent leurs poils sur Twitter avec #LesPrincessesOntDesPoilsLe Huffington Post
madmoiZelle.com –lalibre.be –Femina
all 21 news articles »

フランスで体毛未処理の写真投稿相次ぐ #LesPrincessesOntDesPoils

フランスで体毛未処理の写真投稿相次ぐ #LesPrincessesOntDesPoils

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