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Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton Spar Over Who Is ‘Qualified’ To Be President | TODAY – Today.com #最新ニュース



Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton Spar Over Who Is ‘Qualified’ To Be President | TODAY – Today.com

Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton Spar Over Who Is ‘Qualified’ To Be President | TODAY
With both Democratic candidates Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton aiming to win the New York primary on April 19th, their verbal sparring has now escalated into an all-out war of words, with each publicly questioning whether the other’s stances on key …

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Banks must declare links to Panama Papers law firm by next week – The Guardian

The Guardian
Banks must declare links to Panama Papers law firm by next week
The Guardian
Marquee on a building in Panama City lists the Mossack Fonseca law firm. Photograph: Arnulfo Franco/AP. Jill Treanor, Rowena Mason and Juliette Garside. Thursday 7 April 2016 09.05 EDT Last modified on Thursday 7 April 2016 10.44 EDT. Share on …

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Sanders: Clinton is not qualified to be president – CNN

Sanders: Clinton is not qualified to be president
Sen. Bernie Sanders said Wednesday that Hillary Clinton is not “qualified” to be president, a sharp escalation in rhetoric in the Democratic primary. Category. News & Politics. License. Standard YouTube License. Show more. Show less. Loading.

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