中国の企業がトイレでおにぎりを食べ清潔さをアピール 男子便器でおにぎりを転がしそれを食べる #2ちゃんねる
中国の企業がトイレでおにぎりを食べ清潔さをアピール 男子便器でおにぎりを転がしそれを食べる
1 名前:名無しさん@涙目です。(庭) [ニダ]:2018/07/29(日) 20:53:03.81 ID:L8Mb3wRz0中国のお茶の企業が従業員にトイレで昼食を食べるというイベントを行いネット上で話題になっている。26日、中国最大の動画サイト、PearVideoに動画が投稿された。福建省長周に本…
1 名前:名無しさん@涙目です。(庭) [ニダ]:2018/07/29(日) 20:53:03.81 ID:L8Mb3wRz0
妊娠中のヤギが8人の男に強姦されて死亡 インド
1 名前:みつを ★:2018/07/29(日) 20:49:21.18 ID:CAP_USER9.netPregnant goat dies after being ‘gang-raped by eight men’ as horrified owner catches them in the actPolice are hunting the suspects in the case, three of whom stayed behind and dared the…
1 名前:みつを ★:2018/07/29(日) 20:49:21.18
Police are hunting the suspects in the case, three of whom stayed behind and dared the owner to report the crime
ByToby Meyjes
09:27, 29 JUL 2018
A pregnant goat has died after allegedly being gang raped by a group of eight men.
The animal’s horrified owner told police he caught the men in the act after being alerted to her pain-filled bleating, reports The Tribune .
The owner, named only as Aslup, said he then discovered the goat had died.
He believed the men had stolen the goat and taken her to a deserted house where they are claimed to have carried out the depraved act.
According to reports, as Alsup confronted the men, five fled, but three stayed behind and dared him to report the incident.
Police in Nuh, India, are now seeking the suspects, three of whom were identified by the owner.
They are awaiting the outcome of a post-mortem.
Aslup claims that the suspects were drunk at the time and also drug addicts.